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I dont know if this is the right place, but I'm new here and I need some refs but I dont have irc.  :X

so if someone could possibly add me in game (on el stove) and maybe come pk with me for a ref I'd really appreciate it.

oh ya I need refs because I'm applying for foe and all I seem to be missing are refs.

thank you  :victory:

Y4nk33 D33s

usually people dm for refferals. why doesn't your irc work?


usually people dm for refferals. why doesn't your irc work?

dns pool problem or something, Ive tried everything

so basically since my irc wont work, im screwed? since I wont be able to get any refs or kno when the trip time are...


theres a sticky about trip times lol. and no you're not screwed, use ingame chat Cha0s pur3 to get in contact with FOE members, add people from the ML, or maybe get on teamspeak.


You could do without the irc and still get refs, you can add my main 420 arch 420 if ud like.


keep trying t get irc wroking, and his eems like a intro, so hi lol.


theres a sticky about trip times lol. and no you're not screwed, use ingame chat Cha0s pur3 to get in contact with FOE members, add people from the ML, or maybe get on teamspeak.


Add me if you wish  :D

PM in game when you get a chance.

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