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Since I was about 15 I've owned a multi-gym, I think I've used it 3 times and it has since became a place to store my clothes. I've just moved back home and want to become an alpha-male super-cunt like Steroids.

The weight-bench isn't amazing, it covers most aspects of the body, chest, arms, legs, shoulders, etc. However, I think the max weight on there is around 55Kg. I also have so dumbbells and a pull-up bar.

I need a complete write-up of everything I'll need to do, from lifting, to diet, to other various stuff. Bare in mind, I'm very naive on this subject so explain everything as you would to a small child.

18 years old.

Eats a cuntload of junk food, mountains of food, mixture of healthy/unhealthy meals.


Very skinny, around 10 stone (146 pounds)

Not really looking to bulk up, but just generally looking less like I have leukemia and more like I'm well maintained.

Leave the broscience out of this, if you don't know what you're talking about, don't just spout out bullshit.

Tl;dr - Gimme a routine of lifts I should do, on which body part and which days, what should/shouldn't I eat, other non-lifting exercises I should do.

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Ok well i'm not going to explain everything anymore. Go to the usual site I suggest www.muscleandstrength.com. There are many articles to read on everything need to know.

I'll answer specific questions but not going to write an essay as you don't really know anything.

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Steroids is your man, the guy has helped me put a few lbs on now and i feel hella better already lol, Gl Jim man and also thread made me lol as my jacket is currently hangin' off my cross-trainer

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u fat bro?

You a 13 year old faggot bro?

Yeah, I'm in the complete opposite boat of you Jim lol, I'm 6'1 195 and not in shape at all in the slightest any more, yet don't know where to even begin getting back into shape to play hockey again.


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u fat bro?

You a 13 year old faggot bro?

Yeah, I'm in the complete opposite boat of you Jim lol, I'm 6'1 195 and not in shape at all in the slightest any more, yet don't know where to even begin getting back into shape to play hockey again.


u mad bro?

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