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Alright, I have been thinking to my self lately what I want to do for the old wilderness, and believe me. It's a very tough decision.

I have been thinking about turning my account around and becoming a berserker pure, getting barrows gloves, and doing the curses quest and when I make bank start up on going for turm, also getting the required quests for what I need as to become a berserker pure.

I'm currently 1 def, 94 mage, etc etc, and I have around 100 or so quest points and I have all required stats to get barrows gloves minus some of the defence requirements and quest requirements and I was debating weather or not to become a berserker pure or stay 1 defence.

If you have any ways to help me out please just help me!!!

The good think about becoming zerk is just better loots, more pvm avalaible, better armor, strength bonus, higher hits veng etc.

Just help thankss.


Why does everyone come here for help


i have a zerker but im making a 1 defence pure because i like 1 defence better


You won't get better loots necessarily as a zerker. Pures who brid generally risk a pretty decent amount, often times more than the average main that welfares.

I wouldn't suggest getting zerker, but after all your on a pure forum so the response your going to get is pretty much going to be the same. Also, it is your account train it however you decide :p


if ur planning on going zerk get turmoil cash banked first or ull hate it


Alright, good feedback haha.


Do what you want. If you enjoy being a pure, don't get defence. If you don't > get defence.

Whats with the bold btw?


Do what you want. If you enjoy being a pure, don't get defence. If you don't > get defence.


Why does everyone come here for help


Why does everyone come here for help


Why does everyone come here for help

Sam|L A S T Dayz

if ur planning on going zerk get turmoil cash banked first or ull hate it

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