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Welcome to off topic, for non-runescape related content.

Please repost in RS General chat, or, even better, don't post retarded questions like this at all. To make you shut up:

1. Bonesaw--pk is higher level and whip skuller is a horrible pker. And no-one cares anyway.

2. It's a god damn rivalry. Why do Arsenal and Chelsea hate each other? Why do USC and UCLA hate each other? BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING RIVALS. Do you get it now?

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Yeah this section is for talking about the fact that you got your first period, and stuff like that, nothing to do with runescape. But yeah, idc about the first question,

But the 2nd question, the answer is, because one time Bonesaw and Mahatma were at a party together, and they got really really drunk, Mahatma was there with his gf, now Mahatma's gf was really really hot, so Bonesaw started hitting on her, she had seen his pk videos and decided that he would be the better partner, so she fucked him in front of Mahatma while Mahatma cried, when Bonesaw was finished and spaffed all over Mahatma's gf's face, he punched Mahatma in the face and took a dump on his chest.

loljk mahatma doesn't have a girlfriend.

No but in all seriousness, rivalry, it's always fun to have competition, I wouldn't say FOE 'hates' MM anyway, the community on this forum seems to be less caring about the rivalry, they don't make topics slagging MM members off etc, yeah they take the wars seriously, but when it comes to the matter of rivalry, FOE are definitely more mature about it than MM.

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But the 2nd question, the answer is, because one time Bonesaw and Mahatma were at a party together, and they got really really drunk, Mahatma was there with his gf, now Mahatma's gf was really really hot, so Bonesaw started hitting on her, she had seen his pk videos and decided that he would be the better partner, so she fucked him in front of Mahatma while Mahatma cried, when Bonesaw was finished and spaffed all over Mahatma's gf's face, he punched Mahatma in the face and took a dump on his chest.


+ Yosi fuck off.

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