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Foe group on Fcaebook

| Kosturo |

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| Kosturo |

I had an idea this morning...  :blush:

Why aren't we producing a group of Foe in Facebook??  :victory:

This group will promote and advertise the forums and the history of Foe.

I can create that group and the admins can add me on facebook.

Then i will make them admins of group and i will delete myself from that post.

Or simply one of the admins will make the group :P

So what do u think guys?? :rolleyes:


That's a fucking retarded idea.  I would never associate my real life with anything to do with RuneScape.  That's the equivalent of putting runescape in your top 8 on myspace.  It's dumb as fuck, no thank you.


id get punched in the face by my friends if they'd find out


Wait.... Ultra has friends?  OHMYGOSH NO WAI!

| Kosturo |

That's a fucking retarded idea.  I would never associate my real life with anything to do with RuneScape.  That's the equivalent of putting runescape in your top 8 on myspace.  It's dumb as fuck, no thank you.

Ok man chil out....

I proposo an idea...nothing more.....


It really is a stupid idea.  :p

No one would ever join the group, would be to embarrassing  :(

| Kosturo |


I am sory guys....

How can i delete my topic?


don't worry lol try to click the "Lock topic" button on the bottom left of this page

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