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Aeons Decay

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Aeons Decay

I'm going to make broad bolts for fletching + a little cash. I could buy the unfinished bolts from the store and get all I need at once but that costs 4gp more per bolt than the ge mid price. The problem with the ge is that I can only buy 10k every 4 hours.


If you buy "unfinished broad bolts" on the ge I'll buy them from you for the mid price. I'm not sure what they're like normally but currently you get them instantly for min. That's 30k profit on them every 4 hours so 180k a day if you leave an offer in for them.

Query me in IRC when you want to sell them.

My nick is Aeons_Decay

The more you sell at once the better, I'm going to need almost 3m of them just for 99 fletching and I'm probably going to fletch a bit beyond 99.


Ill do it for you tomos PM me G F L I F E


gooned m8 k0

ill put in an offer in for you. ill pm u ingame


I'll do it :)

Aeons Decay

20k bought so far, thanks PIXII and Sefket.

I'll leave my private chat on whenever I can(not during certain slayer tasks where I have to pay full attention).

More bolts at once is always better :)


When im back monday il sell u some.


ill do it anytime im always in w71 ge on my main.


got 100k or so piled up

got you added ill see you on sometime id guess

| Kosturo |

I will do my best man to help you!

Aeons Decay

I'm going to be on tomorrow at around 3pm est because I have work in the morning. I'll leave IRC on when I leave in the morning so just say "/query Aeons_Decay" and leave me a message and I'll see it when I get back.

Thanks for all of the bolts that people have sold me so far :)


I'll try later , thanks :D

Aeons Decay

I got 90 fletching today :)

I still need lots of bolts and thanks to everyone who's bought some for me so far.


I've been inactive so I haven't been flipping so I'll leave an offer for like 500k in.

Aeons Decay

I'm out of them right now but they don't seem to be buying on the ge.. I'll go rc for a bit and buy from anyone who has any to sell me :)

Y4nk33 D33s

i'll give it a try

owner mighty

nice lmfao, how much fletching xp yu get a day?


how much you make off 99 fletching these days?

Aeons Decay

how much you make off 99 fletching these days?

With broad bolts it's about 2-3gp per xp profit so 26 to 39m. They are a ton of clicking so it's sortof annoying but I'd say it's worth it.

nice lmfao, how much fletching xp yu get a day?

Depends how many bolts I have.

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