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the fuck happened to powerbot?

Its been down for like 3 days now...


If you say that you love me i'll give you 2.25 client!


Just Joking :P, euhhm Arbiter(one of their Scripters) has Ddoses their servers and his scripts (none of the standard) were infected with hackware and now he has hacked a big amount of the accs... change your password then download this its the 2.25 firmware without hacks : http://code.google.com/p/rsbot-client/downloads/list  if you dont trust me go to http://twitter.com/rsbotorg and see yourself my boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Just Joking :P, euhhm Arbiter(one of their Scripters) has Ddoses their servers and his scripts (none of the standard) were infected with hackware and now he has hacked a big amount of the accs... change your password then download this its the 2.25 firmware without hacks : http://code.google.com/p/rsbot-client/downloads/list  if you dont trust me go to http://twitter.com/rsbotorg and see yourself my boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

im not sure if i trust you l0l

EDIT: Found out that Arbiter, one of the moderators, has ddosed the website etc...


Uhhmmm, I think on their twitter there is a google download link or something for their new client here is the link to their twitter: http://twitter.com/rsbotorg

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