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dds and dd???

karma pures

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owner mighty

i use dragon dagger andi always will :) i like the look better


Because they are all snobs and dont want to loose 6k, thats why.

| Kosturo |

Dds p++ is for poison but u use dds only for knock out so poison damage is useless.

So doesn't matter if u got dds or dds p++.

Exepts u need it for other reasons


maybe dds wasnt selling lol

karma pures

good point

Smited B O W

most people drink super anti before fight so p++ is useless for teh extra 6k.


psn vs welfare

Your avatar is the best thing i've ever seen.  :nice:


-6k makes Foe cheapo'z

J/k lol, but poison is bery useful...


when pvp+bh 1st come out, dds gets merched (can't buy from ge) then people have buy dd from lost city.

There used be something people said that dd was haxed hit accurate.


coz winnie the pooh likes honey


For daggers, I just use whatever's selling at the time.

E1f of dark

Because leet pkers dont rely on poison to kill their enemy. Hence why i use dd n not dds :p



dd is faster other than that idk lol

zi damage zi

because i have over 70 pked dds i collect them and use the shitty dd's and ddp's


[ GE ]: [M] Dragon Dagger: 28,025gp 29,500gp 30,975gp (Today: -208gp)

[ GE ]: [M] Dragon Dagger(p++): 34,105gp 35,900gp 37,695gp (Today: -98gp)

So they dont lose the 6k difference

That's my reason.

6K for 6 extra damage? Spec is really a 1 time shot. You aim to kill withthe specs. So poison don't mean nothing.


well i like dd better cuz i hit better

Have Uh Cry

i use whatever comes in on ge


6K for 6 extra damage? Spec is really a 1 time shot. You aim to kill withthe specs. So poison don't mean nothing.

That's why someone said real pkers don't need poison.


They Normally Used It Becasue Pures Use To Never Run From Fights Always Stay Till Death, So They Used DD because it was Cheaper.

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