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You better not scam :p.

Lure= talk people in to shit and hope they trust you. Simple as that


lmao. if you want to do something like that best way to learn is try for yourself.


but i dont know if there is a way you can drop 3-4 items that protect over something like a santa?

like in p2p 3-4 dba's but i dont know which f2p items do it :S


There's nothing in f2p worth scamming lol


Trimming rune armor, but that only works on like 10 year olds <_<


People who ask how to scam suck dick.

Fucking amateur.

People who got a pk vid + being 'a classic 04 pker' who do not know how to lure F2P (<-- how hard is it.. really as a 04 pker ) suck dick.

You can tell by the posts how retarted your topic is.

2010 product..


Santa, H'ween lol :p

You really think people with 100m will fall for a lure? ESPECIALLY a lure by someone who doesn't know how.


Scammers are noobs.

Luring is ftw.


Why do you still post on this topic, I'd be ashamed.


People who ask how to scam suck dick.

Fucking amateur.

People who got a pk vid + being 'a classic 04 pker' who do not know how to lure F2P (<-- how hard is it.. really as a 04 pker ) suck dick.

You can tell by the posts how retarted your topic is.

2010 product..


go into mod mmg cc saying free swordies show invy


Idk what's worse the fact that this topic was made or the fact that people support it


u fail

your asking for f2p scams, you have no room to talk.


well sadly jagex made it that when trading and u remove an item fast it will remind the player of the switch


Trim armour for free XD

Or what I saw today, rounding off cash to the closest Mill............ Lol runescape......

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