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Arbiter + Gh0sT + Paris - The Mass RuneScape Hacking of 2011


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Hello faithful ArbiBots members. This is Arbiter here. The last few days have been crazy for all of us. While other parties are satisfied with feeding you all lies, I feel you deserve to know the truth.

Jacmob created RSBot 2.0, bringing RuneScape botting to the next generation. Though it was Jacmob making Powerbot a success, Paris was greedily reaping all the benefits. He was pocketing the funds from ten banner ads each priced at $1800/mo plus thousands of dollars in VIP and Sponsor subscriptions monthly. But that wasn't enough for him. He then made under the table deals to allow people to break the scripting rules that Jacmob had put in place. He had had enough. About a month ago Jacmob approached Paris with an ultimatum: Hand over ownership of Powerbot to Jacmob and receive 70% of the money acquired from the website. You see Jacmob was never in it for the money. He just wanted to lead a successful project.

Paris, being who he is, did not find that 70% was not enough money for him. Instead he hired Qauters, aka Liang, to attempt to maintain the bot that Jacmob had created. Jacmob kept to his word and gracefully resigned that day. It was also that day a new project began, RSBuddy. His goals of creating the best RuneScape bot did not change. He came to me, a personal friend, to help him out. Without a second thought I agreed. For the last four weeks we have been hard at work creating the new website and bot software. 48 hours before its release I notified Paris of my intentions to resign and an explanation as to why. Paris said that he would "defend his investment aggressively," but I never thought he would stoop as low as he has.

After a few days, free trade is released along with the unfortunate hacking of numerous accounts through RSBot. Paris saw this as an opportunity to frame me in order to take out competition. This would not be his first time as he has tried similar smear campaigns with KBot, a very successful bot in 2010. However, news soon spread that it was in fact an infamous hacker named gh0$t, someone who has been in this scene for years now. He acquired access to the Powerbot server and uploaded an infected RSBot-222.jar. Thousands of people downloaded this file and were infected as far back as two weeks before free trade came out. Once hearing this news Paris decided to push his lie further. He is now trying to convince people that Arbiter, Blackbone, NoEffex, and gh0$t are all the same person. Such an impossible lie is very hard to believe, and many members are starting to realize the truth. Paris refuses to provide any proof for his claims, because there is none. He is trying to frame an innocent person to hide a vulnerability in his own security and take out a competitor.

However, I can provide you with what he cannot. gh0$t has revealed everything to the public. His explanation can be read here:



HackForums - He responds personally and explains what he did. - http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=1027397

Another forum giving more information on the hacker - http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/index.php?topic=32355.0


In summary, there was a flaw in Powerbot's security giving him access to upload the JAR file to their server. Thousands upon thousands of innocent RSBot users downloaded it and found themselves infected. He then compiled a list of all accounts and went down the list on Febrary 1st, looting whatever he could. This security breach was caused by the new developer, Qauters/Liang. ArbiBots has been hard at work getting as far away from RSBot as possible as customer's safety is our top concern. It is fortunate that it was only the JAR that was infected and we here at ArbiBots do not use that. We use the SVN source code to update and therefore there was no malware in our version. However, this was just a stroke of luck and that is not enough for me. I, along with ArbiBots, will be porting over to RSBuddy, Jacmob's new bot project, a secure way to continue our RuneScape experience.

I ensure you that we will do everything possible to make this transition as smooth as can be. The API is different and we will require time to get everything back online. However, we are giving you all the bots for free! The reason we are doing this is because you all deserve some compensation for your patience and hopefully hundreds of dollars worth of paid bots will do the trick. It also allows us to get a lot of feedback from users, so we can make this product all the better for you. I repeat, all ArbiBots scripts will be free for a limited time. When this duration is up and we feel all our products are up to our usual standard we will restore individual access and you will receive all the scripts you have purchased.

Though many will try, we will not fall. Long live RuneScape botting!

Proof that Paris (Owners of PowerBot) are just a bunch of butt hurt liars.

-will be posting links later when powerbot is up and I can get the threads, in short It will show each time that how Paris keeps making up shit.

The evolution of Paris' story:

1. Arbiter Hacked it. (Everyone is a separate person)


2. Jacmob changed the client before he left.

3. Gh0sT did it.

4. Arbiter is Gh0sT (LOL!)

5. Arbiter is: Gh0sT, NoEffex, and Blackbone.

6. Arbiter paid Gh0sT to "pretend" to hack powerbot! (NoEffex and BlackBone are now separate people again working with Arbiter)



Gh0sT's TinyChat is http://www.tinychat.com/jethr0x


happy i don't bot.


I used to bot but not anymore thanks god.


Lol, his tinychat is funny. Sucks to people that are dumb.




Wow that's fucking sad for those who lost phats and shit, tbh its theire own fault.


...Which is why I steered away from botting. Elbow grease, people


Wow that's fucking sad for those who lost phats and shit, tbh its theire own fault.

Itd only be sad If they got the phat legitly.


Ah I undestand now :).

Funny story lol.

Glad I didn't get hacked lulz.


Good thing I don't bot.


Thats a one sided story.

On powerbot.org.. Paris stats Jacbob or whatever his name is, was in it for the money and not the success.

And then they all got mad


Respect for your ability to create decent botts. I never used a bott in my rs history and have no reason to regret it.


what other major bots are there other than arbi, powerbot, and rsbots.net

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