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My 10th Pk Commentary! On my pure!


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its all d scim and dds. don't like it? i really don't care. its what i like.

- 10 vid

Just expressed some suggestions. No point in feeling offended okay? And yeah it's profitable and stuff but if you're trying to consistently get more subs, donations and views in your videos I would consider bringing more variety in cause people will get bored and unsub and so on.

No offense, your videos are fun but it repeats and nearly is like watching the same video over and over even if they are different ones. Again I am not trying to flame you or anything and you will see maybe not today or tomorrow but in a while that I am right and you will have to bring more variety or accept no progress in your "RS video career".



I can't tell the differences between your other videos. They all seem the same.


Love the idea dude but its getting old, only reason its not old is because its commentary, but I feel the same as everyone else. You need variety, we are only saying this because we know you will get more subs with variety. Anyways nice job and keep it up man :)

^posted before I read but I saw you said hybrid clip in youtube description.  that one hybrid clip, even tho it sucked was 10x better than d scim- dds with the commentary. Anyways nice job


seems like you get more spazzed each vid, but thats like the only variety :\

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