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I need to get updated


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It's been a while since ive played runescape and now that turmoil and all these things are here. Could you guys tell me what people need to do these days to have good accounts?


Depends tbh if you like low or high level pking? or even f2p give us some knowledge of what you like and ill help as much as i can lol :)


well when im pking on a pure i like low level p2p pking but when im using a main i like maxed pking the best.

If I were to start pure pking i would need to start over as the current pure i have is garbage. If i were to pk main I would have to do these new quests that are available.

could you plz tell me some of the quests plus new items and skills that are useful for pking in this new runescape.

thanks alot btw


Well the main quest for mains is The temple of sennisten which gives you a new prayer lust with the almighty turmoil (watch a few bonesaw ok vids you will understand) also people with 80+ attack get chaotic weapons from dungeoneering such as rapier and maul. And well that's pretty much all I can think of just watch a few pk vids and see what takes your fancy :) btw I'm using my phone so bare with me lol


I appreciate the help alot I am going to try and get back on my feet cause im rusty from not playing a while


just get 137 and 200m bank and ur fine

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