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My road to foe.

f1re c4p3 pk

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Hey my name is alex im from canada and i have 16 years old, and this is my pure that ill try to turn into a foe member in no long . I made this account 1 month ago.I had a pure in 2009 that got hacked by my best friends for 33 def. ( dearo xp ) and i have a maxed barrow pure.

User : f1re c4p3 pk


i am currently 62 combats.

here the stats i want in a short and in a long tems.


60/60 attack

69/80/99 strength

1/1/20 defence

78/90/99 ranged

20/20/45 prayer

86/94/99 mage

1/52/99 summoning

WIll be maxed out at 82 combats i think.


im currently questing like hell , i got atm 87 quest points and trying to get it to 100s. i done every quest that a pure need except addy glove ( steel atm ).

Other goal is to get 50 runecrafting for robes. and 55 slayer for broad bolt,70 dung for arcane and after that get 50+ iin every skill.

My bank is pretty low atm i only got a 250k cash pile and dragon claws that im going to sell.

hope you like my progress and give me a score on 10 =)


Good luck! I advise a name change... I mean c'mon. F1R3 C4P3 PK?


goodluck but the name is yuck lol


1. You're from Canada, yet you suck at typing.. come on, I have 16 years old?

2. There's no such thing as a "Barrows pure", get your facts right.

Good luck on your account.


je sais , mais au moins j'ai fait l'effort d'essayer de te parler comme du monde en anglais . :S je parle pas super bien l'anglais that why i do alot of error :D And yeah i know 70def arent really pure but im sure you know what im talking about :d


Don't get 20 def.

Gl on your road =]


If im getting defence ( 20 ) it will probably when i will be maxed out ... but not at my level . dont want to be failed.

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