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Whats the best way to sell an account?


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I've got a nice pure with just under 1b.

Whats the best way for me to sell it? It doesn't look like many accs go through ebay. Im thinking of selling the mills individually on ebay 1pound per as gold farmers only offer 1usd per mil, but i'd put any amount i can on the account if its gonna help get a sale.

If anyone would give me a rough idea of what to ask for i'd appreciate it.

The rsn is Magical_I

Sorry if this isn't allowed I've completly lost interest in this game and i spent alota time so im sure it would be worth something to someone. Thank you for help in advance.


Has noone got any experience of selling rs money or accounts?

The acc is 1 def 60 atk 99 range 98 mage 94 hp 91 str aswell as stuff like 83 slayer 93 farming n 70 summoning to mention but a few stats.

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