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MY biggest fail ever!


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i've was doing mm on 70 str 60 att 1 def 90 mage 70 range and i've token the reward and noew im 34 def :(, 1st question: can i join with 34 def? and 2 question good 34 def armour?

iki l2pk


1st question, no you can't. I'd recommend going zerk and doing some more def quests for it.

2. ehh... snakeskin, addy, rune gloves... Idk much as I'm not a main but hmm.... dagon hai? That's all I can think of.


Ouch man... Can imagine how much it must suck. I'd probably do some quests and go zerker instead.


I don't want to sound harsh, but I would start another account (if you seriously want to join FOE). I say this because your stats, other than range, are very easy to get.


No you cannot join foe with 34 defence.

start over?:/


Start over, sorry, best way


Start again. If you have the money do it. If not go rune pure :D


o my god i never train mage again to 90 :(


made new acc have some1 a good trainings guide? or can help me?


You need a training guide for something you did previously?


start over, no good stats besides botted 90 mage


Unlucky, learn from your mistakes.


Yeah as mortuls said, start again and don't do it again is the key point.

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