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Slayer on Pures


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In the future I plan to get up my slayer to a high level, for charms and for total levels. Also high slayer on pures is awesome :P

HOWEVER, I am 60 atk and will never go above this.

Recently after looking at a few pures with 60 atk and high slayer, I noticed they all have high range xp. I hate range and was wondering what people thought in comparison speed wise between ranging tasks and using melee.

If i was ranging I would be using robin, range boots, range ammy, chaotic cross bow, broad bolts and extreme range pots

If i was meleeing i would be using d scim with ovls and max strength gear

I hate range so was just wondering if anyone had any opinions on what is good and what isn't when it comes to 60 atk pures and slayer.

Thanks :)

secondly, cost isn't an issue, I will quite happily use protection prayers + 15%. I currently melee all tasks and use protection prayers on all tasks.

Now with the question of safespotting or not taken out of the equation, which is faster?


range will always prevail in pure slayer


I thought you needed 80 attack Chaotic cross bow? I recommend strength :P Most of them have high range EXP due to the fact that they are mostly safe spotting their task o.o I guess. I'll be using strength and range mix though, when I get around to slaying again.


u need to range for most tasks anyway


u need to range for most tasks anyway


Just range them mate, it's much better ^^.

If u get dragons u'll be screwed if u want to melee...


i range my task :)

but meele will work


Ask Dutch or outofrange. range and hally is main weapon for slayer on pures.


just pk u skiller


just pk u skiller

skiller not a killer

secondly, cost isn't an issue, I will quite happily use protection prayers + 15%. I currently melee all tasks and use protection prayers on all tasks.

Now with the question of safespotting or not taken out of the equation, which is faster?


if your using prot prayers then yes you could easily melee them, you can always cancel tasks anyway.


If cost isn't an issue, use a cannon on every possible task. Safespot when possible - halberd if you can, otherwise use mage with chaotic staff and arcane stream or ranged, i think magic with staff will be slightly faster, depending on the monster obviously.

If you can't safespot use dscim/leaf bladed sword with best gear possible + cannon. Abby demons should be ice barrage, with blood barrage/unicorn/lava titan for healing, and waterfiends should be ranged.


Yea range is definetely a big part of slayer :p especially with low defence.. just pray any melee task tbh if you got a decent slay master unlocked you will profit anyway.. gl man <3


Erm firstly most people that are high slay..(i think that are in this clan) pretty much all got 10/20 def for slayer helmet.

People have high ranged xp because usually they cannon every task and use melee aswell. They also pray melee and use super/ext pots on non multicombat tasks.

Only ranging a task is abit of a waste unless your using decent bolts,bonus and lots of pots. Usually 60 attack people just get the god mitre(head prayer thingy), monk robes,dscim and their zammy book.


with extremes & bonus prayers, d scim+hally/claws will be alright.

you can cannon alot of tasks aswell

but if cost is COMPLETELY irellevant, i suppose you could ice barrage some tasks too.


i was 60 atk pure with 86 slay bro and i never ranged slayer unles blue drag tasks and str is faster id say with ext + max str u do fast 40s dscim and with rng and broad bolts etc like 40s to but slow so id say str all the way


U could melee with cannon i guess.


Don't understand what the problem with melee is? I range though..


Just melee, try to use cannon on the few tasks u can. Range those with high def, or where a safespot is highly recommended. Don't get def, don't get att if u don't want. U should be fine if u use claws or dhally too with spec recovs, depending on close to bank or fast returning.

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