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How to chin without prayer and def?


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Hi guys,

I'm wondering how to chin with 1 def and 1 prayer. I'm 90 ranged atm and I already tried soulwars, but it's like impossible since i die after every 5-10 seconds entering. So what's a better idea? Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance and I'd appreciate any help.

Former member

Azn Sabre~


prayer is well worth it


rock crabs if u can find a world to urself :p


Some guy was selling a guide for $10, not here, on a website which I will not post.


Anywhere you can safe spot monsters.. I guess you could chin at TzHaar.


Some guy was selling a guide for $10, not here, on a website which I will not post.

Indeed lol. I saw that to :p.

@Devour, bandits with no pray no def? I doubt it :P.

I'm searching such a place myself but I'm 70 def.


its commonly known and been so for many years.


Prayer is worth it imo. dno how 2 chin without it.


Guess you could try @ Sw? I'd just get pray tho. It definetly is worth the extra combats.


Lol? bandits with no pray? and tzaar you attack 1-2 at a time with high def which doesnt give you high xp. try crabs or pest controll.. or seriously get pray

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