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hey guys. im not in foe, nor do i plan to join. not because i dont like the clan, but because i have school, work, girlfriend, so fourth, and wouldnt be able to attend the clan trips, nor do i really want to to be honest. just looking for a cool community that isnt overrun by 12 year olds.

now, i have a pure i've been working on for a few months. his stats are 60 attack, 86 strength, 1 defense, 31 prayer, 70 range, 82 mage, and 76 hp. i have all quests done except temple of ikov, DT, and animal magnetism. done MM, lost city, addy gloves, all required quests for dt, so fourth. but, i cant seem to get kills anymore. i usually just go into the wild in cream hat, cream boots, black dhide legs, monk top, dscimmy, dds, str ammy, anti fire shield (for bolts), recoils, addy gloves, with the basic melee inv. but since i cant get kills, ive decided to stop training my strength so hardcore, and catch my range up, so i can knife/cbow/dds. any tips on actual hybriding? i didnt pk hardcore back in the day, just made a low level staker, and thought i was the shit because i made like 5m on him. now i have 38m cash, with like 100 pk sets. just curious how i can learn to actually hybrid. any tips will do.

and if theres any confusion on my grammar, i have extreme arthritis in my foot (gout) and took a few too many - =) - lortabs. so im a bit fuzzy atm.

and, im just curious if its okay that i dont plan on joining, just plan on using this place as a nice little communty, maybe make some buddys, so fourth.


hi nice to meet you  ^_^

only way to get better would be either to go duel arena (which will only get you so far) and actually pk :p

experience and practice are the only thing to make you better


dont join foe and dont waste life on rs like us.


Believe me bro, in the same boat.

Have been in around 20 fights with a kill involved since wildy came back and have won only about 7 due to shitty hits.... Like in one example, I was hitting 60 def in full rune and d boots massive strings of 40s and shit with my obby, and then turn around to fight a pure and my max hit was a 15. It's weird :s

Welcome to the community though... Sure you're always going to find your fluctuation of 12 year olds here and there, but for the most part FOE has probably the most mature community in regards to the game.


This topic Belongs in the introduction section. Welcome to our forums, hope you enjoy your stay!


Herrow and welcome, few tips:

It's pretty much about lucky hits, try comboing and eventually you'll get some kills.

Try to get your stats even range/str/mage so you can brid  (and DT ofc.)

Try pking with f-keys, might lose a couple of times, but eventually it's beast.

Might get higher prayer, 52 to smite some pures -> when ppots aren't dranken correctly it breaks their hit


Same with you, when pray is low shark-pot or pot in the middle of a attack so you won't lose time hitting.

Try not to welfare 24/7, the wee little +2 str bonus (climbers) and +7 (addy gloves) might give you the extra hit you needed.

Meh, basics.


thanks guys. thats what i was afraid of, trial and error =P

but yeah, i just welfare now because i dont have the means of hybriding. im about to go do animal magnetism, and i won 8k rune darts staking on my veracs pure, so i have quite a few levels from that. and, can anyone link me to a cheap good fire caper? just going to get 44 pray once my range is 80+ anyways, so the cape will only help my str training later.

as for this being in the wrong section, it may be, but i didnt really see it as an introduction as much as a general help thread =P

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