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Chaotic Rapier + 99 Attack.


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Hey guys, right now I am working on 99 Attack (390k till 99) and I am also working on 81 Dungeoneering (or like 82, depends how many tokens I will have).

Stats at the moment: 98 Attack, 99 Strength, 94 Hitpoints, 45 Defence, 52 Prayer, 64 Summoning, 105+8 Combat (113 when staking)

Now my question is, will whip staking no armour, be effective with Rapier + 99 Attack? :p

I also have an account with 99 Attack/Strength, 75 Defence, 96 Hitpoints, 115+8 Combat, might be effective for staking too.

Any help on staking would be appreciated, I never really used to stake back in the old days :embarrased:


Nice, GL.  Sorry i dont stake alot :S


Nice, GL.  Sorry i dont stake alot :S

Thanks ^_^ Will take a while to get 80+ Dungeoneering though, and yeah I never really staked before either  :sleep:

What's the mage level on your second account? Would be good for mage boxing if you have 94+


What's the mage level on your second account? Would be good for mage boxing if you have 94+

It's 90 lol, well I can get 94 if needed for staking.

Nice account.

Thanks :).

lol ul get so cleaned

Why? With rapier I have a big advantage on the other people, also 99 Attack will do good. In the beginning I will only stake 500k-2m though, if I win alot I will start staking more.

Nice accounts. :) I wish you good luck.


I dont stake alot but ive heard whip stakeing with rapier is good.


I dont stake alot but ive heard whip stakeing with rapier is good.

Okay thanks ^_^ I really need the money so this might be a good way, never been rich  o.O

"whip staking" with specs on? lol gl with the sols.


cursed ur a shit staker then if u don't know what whip staking is.


Nice account, not too good for staking.


"whip staking" with specs on? lol gl with the sols.

Whip staking is obviously not with special attacks on. Thanks for your opinions guys, I just need to find some ways to make big money :/.

erm well, due to being a lower def than anyone you fight... you'd be better off with 99 mage 99 hp and mage boxing


erm well, due to being a lower def than anyone you fight... you'd be better off with 99 mage 99 hp and mage boxing

Does 95 mage and 95 works well too? I am 105+8 = 113 Combat. Mage boxing means Blood barrage/Ice Barrage right?  Thx.

Both those accounts would be great for rapier staking, trust me.


Should be good, but idk, maybe try get people who are your f2p combat level to stake you by QCing your summ, idk if anyone bothers doing that at that level but meh.


Botted accounts? Should work out good.. Try it with low stakes first though


Botted accounts? Should work out good.. Try it with low stakes first though

These accounts aren't botted. Believe me or not, but yeah almost everyone bots nowadays. These accounts are atleast 5-7 years old.
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