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I started a new pure..


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Currently training range and getting bones for 31 prayer

Newest update:


:wub:  Hati Paws

My recent stats are:


Some stats i recently got:


Now I got a question for you guys.

What should I do with this account.

My goals are:

50/50 Attack

70/85 Strength

1/1 Defence

58/70 Range

1/1 Prayer     Should I get 31 prayer or not? Maybe higher.

45/85 Magic(long term goal)

62/80? HP

And I also need to do a shitload of quests  (n)


y 70 range n 85 mage

keep them the same level unless u plan on never useing range and u can get 91 range/mage without levelling if u wanna be pro in this day n age u gotta do it properly, if r planning on just useing meelee ull get fucked!


Why use Hati Gloves for your lower stats man?

The higher ur lvl, the more xp. I'd get like 70 range and then use em.


Gl with your goals man ^_^


Why use Hati Gloves for your lower stats man?

The higher ur lvl, the more xp. I'd get like 70 range and then use em.

Was thinking about that, so I might use them later.

Still got 50% left of them. Training with low levels takes so long.. :(


You think so?

Just find nice spots to power train :p.

I hate going from 1 to 40 tho >.<

Succes met je accountje man :).


Good luck & don't get Prayer yet. (even if you do, quest it)

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