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Road to 30M cash :C

Xi Mocro Xi

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Today I lost my fire cape, slayer helmet, d claws, wizzy boots and a bunch of runes... While luring with some friends anti-lurers came in. We all ran to the portal but then our killer, so the one on other cc told us to stay, he had kicked 3 of the 4 anti-lurers and left one in who was risking claws. It was 4 vs 1. But he had anti mage gear and high def we couldn't kill him. He claw speced [Foe]Dead No Spec, who instantly turned protect melee on, then my mage splashed and he downed my hp from 850 to 84.. with his other spec. I was too late to pray melee. And I ate 1 shark and he hit me 284..

Im on like 7M total cash now.

This week i will be on my road again to 25-30M, using hunter i think. So keep me motivated and i'll post some pics if i have time :D

Well wish me luck, and if you got a good money method that's better then hunt please tell me it :D


Tip: Don't lure if you don't know how, and if you do always have the killer on your side's clanchat on friends only.


I saw you staking lol, swearing in dutch at some guy haha :D.





good luck shouldn't be too hard, you hunting red chins ?


Good luck (Y) (post a picture at the start)


how did u lose that?

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