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Giving good account


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.stats 28 Defence

so last nite i lagged during a fight and lost roughly 60m (i know every1 says they lagged but i got on vid so ye)


then today sum kid was trying to be good and was talking shit during the fight and the fact that he was 1 item switching and thinking he was good made me mad so i started typing and got kod which was my fault, there went 50m. the fact that i lost 50m didnt make me heated, its the fact that theres now another kid who thinks hes a hero bc he managed to kill sum1 better than him.

so 110m in 2 days

all i have left is a fury. i could try and make cash back, but im really not good at money making. just cba. its just not the same w/o having a bank to support my pking needs. i feel like rs is losing its shine for me

tl;dr:im quitting runescape

id try and sell my account but i know itd end up in the hands of some dumbshit kid fresh out of f2p who would get it unquested def. dont rly need the irl money bc im doing fine, but i rly dont wanna see a good account put to waste, so if ur interested throw me a pm and if u check out alright ill just give u the account free. if u want it just so u can sell it dont even think of pming me (see above for reason)


I'll be more than happy to pk on it and you can take it back anytime... Only thing I won't do is put tons of stuff on it aside from like 500k in pk supplies.

EDIT: I won't get it def either or stuff like that. Just need a side account to have fun with  :lol:


I 100% know this will be recovered. No matter what you say, I won't believe it.


only stupid idiets will accept this offer


only stupid idiets will accept this offer

Just pk on it for enjoyment until he decides that he wants the account back... not everyday do people offer up fun turmoil accounts to pk on.


Would be recoverd within a week imo.


already pmed you that im interested

but i can post here the most things too:

im bored of pking with my main because i dont feel like risk the bank and otherwise pking on mains is sad. i am planning to make a pure but building a pure up from zero is kinda hard so i would like to use your pure :)

id pk with med risk each day many hours and i wont train def or ruin this pure.

would be thankfull if you give  me :)


Kids which brings me to my next point - don't risk 40mil when your broadband is wired up to a bipolar squirrel.


I want it. I'll put over 100 mill of supplies on it too!


heck ill give u 10m to let me pk on this rofl, ive always wanted to test turm


PMed you, hope you consider  :)


PMed you that i'm interested just want to pk on it for fun.


i gave you 50m!!! don't quit


Would be recoverd within a week imo.

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