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So many pjers

Abbi pker

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Wtf is up with all these claw rusher pussies they seem to be multiplying by the minute.


Eventually jagex will change it like they did to Pvp,new wildys not that great now,can't brid without getting tag'd by some fucking pussys risking ghostly robes and a dds.


Welcome to Runescape.


Eventually jagex will change it like they did to Pvp,new wildys not that great now,can't brid without getting tag'd by some fucking pussys risking ghostly robes and a dds.

I know cant even finish a damn fight


this pj system is like it was b4 wildy was taken. Deal with it.


this pj system is like it was b4 wildy was taken. Deal with it.

Rather not, they have the option to make updates, why not use it.

Because some parts of the older wilderniss made it more enjoyable doesn't mean it doesn't have flaws. And ofcourse Jagex simply copy pastes it like headless chickens...


yeah.. world 18 isn't a "pk world" its a pj world... so many pjers its crazy


free claws if u drop them


It was always like this. Stop bitching, you have the wilderness back



60/10.000CLAWS ATM


When do people stop crying around? I someone would have told you that wild comes back 6 months ago you would have told him that jagex is too gay to do that. Simply accept this game will NEVER be 100% like you wish it to be.


When do people stop crying around? I someone would have told you that wild comes back 6 months ago you would have told him that jagex is too gay to do that. Simply accept this game will NEVER be 100% like you wish it to be.

And we can't try to make it 99% instead of 70%?

When do people stop crying about people who are crying?


One notable difference from the old wilderness: LOADS of 2011 pkers...

Just adapt to it like the old wild: go with a group of friends, tb a victim, and unleash all your specs into him :lol: .


who cares, there not everywhere, yes there annoying, but thats the way it was back then, and tbh its more fun for single team fights at drags.


I've found that it's always kids with claws lol, always.... As if they have some sort of divine fucking gift that makes them hot shit when really they fucking blow. The only thing I find annoying is the fact that they tele or run right after failing their specs on me, at least stay and let me punch a hole in your face, shit ._.

But, it gets amusing when I get PJed, and somebody PJs the PJer and the Pjer that Pjed the first PJer gets PJed too, like a domino effect... It's happened before :D


i believe this belongs in the rant section

as well as l2ringoflife


I've found that it's always kids with claws lol, always.... As if they have some sort of divine fucking gift that makes them hot shit when really they fucking blow. The only thing I find annoying is the fact that they tele or run right after failing their specs on me, at least stay and let me punch a hole in your face, shit ._.

But, it gets amusing when I get PJed, and somebody PJs the PJer and the Pjer that Pjed the first PJer gets PJed too, like a domino effect... It's happened before :D

Very true


One notable difference from the old wilderness: LOADS of 2011 pkers...

Just adapt to it like the old wild: go with a group of friends, tb a victim, and unleash all your specs into him :lol: .


I got pjed like 50 times during an hour of pking today, I think I'll just train and make gp and stuff like that till jagex fixes that pj system..

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