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Tank Stats?


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I've already got an alright 1 def, but i have an account with 93 range 85 mage 83 hp that i want to turn into a tank.

Whats the best level to stop defence at? 40/42/45? I wont get 70 def till 94 mage soo dont suggest thatĀ  :mellow:

What are some quests i should do also? and i have 60 att/str on it so i could potentially get void if its worth it?

ThanksĀ  <3



Thanks, Im thinking ill get to 40 def with some quests and some training and maybe end up with 45 after im doing questions


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99 def 99 mage 99 range


99 def 99 mage 99 range

Tank statusssssssss!


Range tank guide:

1: Sell your soul for 85 dungeoneering

2: Waste your tokens Rigour and Augury prayers

3: Use your bank on 77 prayer

4: Make bank at frost drags

5: D/C at frost drags for your bank

6: Make bank at frost drags

7: Burst 99 mage

8: D/C at rock lobs

9: Make bank at frost drags

10: Get 99 range chinning

11: D/C at mummies

12: Make bank at frost drags

13: SW bot 92 prayer

14: Get banned

15: Repeat step 1 - 12

16: Get 92 prayer legit

17: Buy 100 zuriel sets (with staff)

18: Autocast miasmic barrage and leech spec and make your opponents tele

19: Waste your bank on more zuriel sets and lose money to opponents teleporting

20: Join a shitty multicombat tank clan (HF, VH or any other dead rune pure/tank clan)

21: Make bank nhing in multi with your honor 1vs1 multi dead clan

22: Buy a divine and a partyhat

23: Sell both for virtus robetop

24: Get cleaned in duel arena

25: Repeat step 1 - 23


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