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how to lose 170m in 4 days


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ye so like

3x[master wand(16m); mages book(17m); corrupt zuriel top and bottom(7.5m); corrupt morrigan top and bottom(6m); corrupt vesta/statius top and bottom(30m)]


2x[master wand(11m); mages book(12m);full inf(20m);dclaws(50m)


and idk what else

(only have 1 of the inf/claw death screenies

ye i just got rocked on this one, i was full hp, then he did like 2 msb hits then ags specd


i was murking this kid the whole fite for like 1 min, didnt even use 1 food, then he hero specs me. not safing gets me killed.


was being stupid trying to freeze while he was specing


this one i lagged on, its on my yt chan




That's just idiotic, sorry

Theres no point risking that much constantly unless you have like 10b


Haha man, that's a lot. Why'd you log yesterday? We were meant to be luring D;


Own fault doing the same mistake over and over. Bring rocktails if you risk much


That's just idiotic, sorry

Theres no point risking that much constantly unless you have like 10b

actually there is a point in risking that much. becus its fun. anyway i have nothing better to spend my cash on. rares? pointless. skills? i dont need ovls or anything else like that. may as well put it into my pvping

karmas a bitch when ya carry tabs


thats not as bad as me..... post my deaths lol....

losing 300m in 30 minutes / 3 deaths


Shouldnt risk that much anyway... but sucks 4 you man :(

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