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Small Update

Kjedelige | KJ

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Kjedelige | KJ


Edit: I am in foe's cc all day usually. If anybody wants to talk, ask a question, or just add me to their friends list, my sn is "Kje Pk"

So about a week ago I made a topic in the Q and A about making a pure or staying with my main. Well, after spending a considerable amount of time checking out the FoE boards and cc, I came to the conclusion of "fuck being a main". So, I made a pure. Eventually I will apply for FoE with this account, when that will be i'm not sure. I probably wont even send in an application until i am fully maxed.

To make it entertaining for myself, I have decided to begin this account by getting 99 magic with 10 constitution. I will be getting 99 magic via Superheating gold ore with Goldsmithing gauntlents. From where I ended tonight, it will take approximately [glow=red,2,300]232,015[/glow] superheat casts to reach 99 magic. My current smithing level is 67 (from superheating obviously). From this level it will take me approximately [glow=red,2,300]221,929[/glow] gold bar smelts. So I will reach the smithing shortly before the magic.

How long will this take me? I honestly have no idea. I did about 8000 superheats today, and I was at the hospital having surgery from 12-6. Given that I am bed-ridden for the next week, and feeling stussy on 20mg oxycodones, I will make considerable progress towards my goal of 99 magic and 99 smithing. After that, we will begin combat training. By the way, the party hat is NOT mine  <3

Current combat level: 36



Good luck and have fun maxing ur pure.


gl dude and i hope u max it out soonish =]


Goodluck man, mage is easy getting to 99 without lvling hp :).

I'd do multiple things though, otherwise u'd get bored clicking superheat all day :P.

Kjedelige | KJ


Yeah I was just thinking that I should probably incorporate some farming runs into my schedule. That way i can be level three decent skills at once, and the farming will help with cash.


Good luck man! I might superheat on my new pure that I'm making


Gl dude, you're going to need it. Also grats on surviving the surgery ;p

Kjedelige | KJ

Gl dude, you're going to need it. Also grats on surviving the surgery ;p

Haha, thanks man.

And Jordan, you should add me, we can superheat together. "Kje Pk"


You seem like a chill guy, maybe we can catch up sometime, add me: "Lord Indeed"

Kjedelige | KJ

Added you indeed.

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