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Slowly making a comeback


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Hi there, most of you may not know me.  Some of you might.  For those that don't, here's a bit about me.  My name's Brandon.  I live in Nevada, USofA.   I used to be a member of Foe, until I turned 18.  Then I lost interest and eventually took a break.  I joined for for the first time on an account named Obby Surprise.  Had some fun and eventually quit Foe and joined TLP on The F2p King.  Stupid move, I know.  I was in TLP for a bit, moved up in the ladder pretty fast and then lost interest.  So I left and rejoined Foe on B0nkotsu1.  Used that account for a little bit and transitioned into I Qu I.  That account later got recovered and I didn't have another account to play so I got booted from Foe.  I played my main account for a little while and then lost interest in the game all together.  So I took a break, but now that life is slowing down with everyone going back to school and everything, I'm gonna try and kick it off again and rejoin Foe on MY OWN account.  No more buying/borrowing/using anyones accounts.  I'm training mine up and using that for good.

A little about my acc.  I started out as a skiller, was a skiller for about 4 years and one day decided to make it into a pure.  Got addy gloves, dt, mm and all that done at 31 cmb. Got the Inferno Adze at 54 cmb.  






My most recent accomplishment -



My next goal is to achieve 85 range via cannoning. I currently have 40k Cballs banked and ready to use. Just gotta find the will in me to get through the boredom.  From there I wanna join Foe and go up from there.  I hope to get back into Foe really soon.  So much has changed since I left and I wanna be apart of this clan again.

Anyways, that's me.  Hit me up with any questions you have.


Woah cool :):)

Welcome back ^^

got ts??


Yesssss I do, if I'm ever in it my nick will be: Brandon

Sam|L A S T Dayz

welcome back :D good luck with training


hey bro welcome back, cute acc


Welcome back & good luck (Y) (nice account)


Of course Devlz <3 How could i forget? :P


gl man, nice account


Solid start man, and gl with your goals.


Hai Tristan. I missed you <3

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