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Slayer On Pures?!


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i was just wondering if slayer was any good on a pure? and how much money would you make?

Also; if anyone had a guide or a link to a guide i could use ?

my stats:




Money rolls in after fifty. Just range or hally them. Use slayer helm.


You really wont make any gp till you're like, idk 60-80 or something slayer.. And that's too painful to get so I'd suggest you get 55 for broad bolts and slayer's staff. (welfare ancient staff)


I got like 88 Slayer as a pure, can't remember how much I made, but I did it all with Tuna so I profitted well.


yes it definatly is, i had 86 as a pure


Blk mask, go for it


high slayer, monster

just try to max out first and then start slaying, not worth to spend so much time on slayer if you got more to do


Slayer is sexy as fuck on pures ^_^ go for it!

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