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My Achievements so far.

Fem Felon

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Names Sam, have been a Forum Lurker for a few years now, lost my old Forum acc with

FOE's 'new' forum that has probably been out a few years now.  :o

But anyway, this is my acc - Username is "Everythings" feel free to add me.

Any ideas or constructive criticism is appreciated,

Thanks, Sam.


That's a pretty decent acc, good luck in the future.


where did u get that effin money lolz

Getting work done.

Have had a few accounts in the past with mills on here are there.


Get addy gloves! & train that range uppp!


Get addy gloves! & train that range uppp!

I'm going to get to Addy Gloves soon, been planning on doing that, low cb though so quests take longer than they should.

:blush: Range is going up after a few more Magic levels.


Goodluck with the account with that sorta cash can get some nice levels :)


You've got a nice amount of cash to play around with. You could chin Range and stun/alch Mage - good luck!


Decent, needs Addies though. Good luck.


Thanks boys & girls.

Done a few more Quests now, around 85 qp.

Done Monkey Madness so I now just need the Requirements for Awowegei's part of RFD to get Addies.


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