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Well it's not useless if you play sports, but it is stupid to make yourself look inhuman like those in the video

muscle mass doesn't equal better sporting. Shaolin monks etc, could almost kill you with a single punch, yet they dont have stupid fugly muscles like these morons who drink random energy power and such. Obviously a sportsman isn't going to spend years traiing like a monk. My point is, weightlifting = useless.

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I don't like the look of bodybuilders, too unnatural for me.

I'd rather go with the toned out look so I can actually have a full range of motion.

Yeah they have determination, but I think it's also for the wrong reasons. It's addicting, and I'm willing to bet the lifespan of some these will be cut short due to their supplements.

And no weightlifting isn't useless. I only hear that from people who are too lazy to exercise, don't play sports, or don't do any physical activity. Get in the gym. You'll like the results. I guarantee it.

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And no weightlifting isn't useless. I only hear that from people who are too lazy to exercise, don't play sports, or don't do any physical activity. Get in the gym. You'll like the results. I guarantee it.


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Meh, I run 2 miles and do a few push ups and pull ups just about every day. It keeps me in decent shape, good enough for me. There is no need to get as big as the guys in that vid

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it is a sport (doesnt seem like one but it is) so people are always going to try get bigger and bigger and bigger until its physically impossible for the body to get any bigger. imo i dont like the look of it but i also dont like how girl elite runners have no tits, but thats for their sport so whatever lol. Is kinda crazy what can be done to the body and how strong everyone in the world could be if they tried

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