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2 def

I All Pr0 I

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3 def Is a pro tank :)


2 def isnt bad.... when u get to 5+ def at a low cb then its bad


My Defence level is 2.



fucking mains with 2 def, gtfo runescape


I'm pretty OCD so whenever I would look at my stat tab I'd be really pissed off lol. Not enough to make a new acc however.


my current account is 2 def and staying that way.

i got 2 on my old pure and then 5 and didn't like it. So i tried 10, then 20, then 45 and each time i hated it. So i gave it away. it's at 92 def now lol.


Yeah i got 2 deffence too... it blows


2 defence means you're 1 stat up on your opponent (if they're pure) which means you have the upper hand, which means you're going to be bi-winning, which means some nice loot, which means more money, which means more pixels, which means win.


It doesnt affect you, but it is annoying when you've spent all the time training making sure you stay 1 defence then accidently gain a level.


It doesnt affect you, but it is annoying when you've spent all the time training making sure you stay 1 defence then accidently gain a level.

it does affect your combat level :)


2 defence means you're 1 stat up on your opponent (if they're pure) which means you have the upper hand, which means you're going to be bi-winning, which means some nice loot, which means more money, which means more pixels, which means win.

yeah 1-2 def is a HUGE difference isn't it? :wow:


2 defence means you're 1 stat up on your opponent (if they're pure) which means you have the upper hand, which means you're going to be bi-winning, which means some nice loot, which means more money, which means more pixels, which means win.

yeah 1-2 def is a HUGE difference isn't it? :wow:




sort it out kids lets just all get 50 defence i heard granite rocks shit


Failed with a quest i wus bored so i did like all f2p quest GG.. BLoods pact gave me 2 def. i got 3 after i died with autocast didnt change attack style then i went 5 def my self. :-{


thats not to bad could of been worse with 30 def no turmoil face drain there

  • 2 weeks later...

I quit my old pure because it got 15def xp lol


I quit my old pure because it got 15def xp lol

ocd much
  • 2 weeks later...
Clarence L.

jagex should make a way to rewind one skill back, if you made a mistake.


jagex should make a way to rewind one skill back, if you made a mistake.

ikr. i got 39 def exp :( FML.

Brb going to cut myself

We Merk 0n U

It just looks annoying on your stats :P


I myself am 2 def and I think its pretty sexy tbh.  I have more of a chance to survive at red bar than others =]

Sam|Stop Lying

12 def exp, sup?

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