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99 + 2 Questions


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Achieved 99 Runecrafting. Bank is ~ 30M .... Question is what Should I do, I don't wanna train anything except 1 strength level and gain some constitution levels.


HIGHLY considering 20 Defence, Never getting above 60 Attack though.


i wouldn't go 20 defence sorry :[

i have tried it before and was a big mistake but yeah get some skills goal maybe 50+ in everything and PK!


I don't like pking with my current stats, it's pj feast also I skill enough on my main. 20 Defence would be same as me getting 75 attack.


Train ur range then. If u don't wanna trainn anything but 1 str level.


You're not leaving much options, you don't want to train anything execpt hp and str. You don't want to pk because of the pjing.

You're considering 20def.

So You want 20def and str and hp and don't want to do anything else.

Pointless question, just get str hp and def then.


I'm starting to lean towards 1 because of the quest but still get your +1's for you congratulating me... So bored though still need advice what to do, keep in mind 34m bank and I don't wanna pk.

@Annoyance, I just wanna see like what would you do pretty much. Also I've been bored for pass days lol. Ok I think I'll get 90 strength then chin 94 Range with the 30M.


I'd even out your non-combat stats. Get 90 Strength, 85 HP and perhaps slightly higher range (but it isn't really necessary). I personally would raise attack, since that is what I am doing with my pure. As for Defence, don't do it. Real pures never train Defence on purpose..


Well I'd just max out, get 75 or 99 attack, get rapier/maul w.e, get gp for turmoil, get 99defence and summoning and prayer and then quit RuneScape out of boredom.


I have a maxed main with 91 dungeoneering lol.


90 str, 99 magic for the luls and pk.

Don't get 20 def, you'll regret it later. Consider getting 75 attack even if you dislike it now. Or just max the fuck out of your account as 60 att.


Don't go to over-populated worlds. That will solve your PJ problem.

Don't get 20 def cause it WILL lead to higher attack and sometimes, although not common, suicide.

Find some people in FOE and go deep. Change it up man. Just sounds like you're getting bored.


Just bot 99 range like you did RC


Clan ally butt friends much  B)


Make a maxed pure main.99 attk 99 summ etc.


Stay 1 Defence, get higher Constitution & Strength/Ranged. If you say it is a PJ feast, try to find worlds with less people.


Thanks for the advice guys, training strength atm and when I go pking i'll bring friends.


my mate told me I can find a rc auth code here



your stats are too low for 20 def, i was 80+ attack and 99 strength when i got 20, i faced so many more rune pures and its alot harder to get kills. just get range and strength up and stay 1 def 60 attack


It's the same as getting 75 attack though and no matter what I'll never get up attack just saying'


Hm... Contemplating 20 defence again .. Wish I met someone having the same problem or has gone through it.

Thanks for the people replying. Maybe max but honestly I can always pk on a friends account with 1 defence.

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