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pass the auth 2 me:D.

dont get 20def ull quit in a month.


Gonna Max ^^ Working on Strength/ hp atm.


Getting 90 Strength and when I get bored just afking cooking :p I bought 10k chins/some prayer potions and well see how well that goes... Then I'll probably profit off 94 strength and superheat to 99 magic for smtihing levels and a bit of bursting for some charmsĀ  <3

Benny The Leak LMAO

Wouldent go above 20def, just pk/gain bank but i dont see why you wouldent go over 60attack? Godswords, SS, Whip, Vls all beast weapons (60atk is way too simple and boring for me)


Because If I have regretted attack on two pure accounts Ive had, never liked it + GS are so easy to smite now , Vls is way to expensive, whip is over 75 attack eventually and SS fails it's 1 handed so you can't hybrid with it and that is what I mainly do.

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