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Lil Maining G&A Thread


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Ok hi sry i quit my G&A on jnr but i quit the acc

So i decided to start back on lil and go for 60 atk 75 def maxed turm 106 cmb f2p

But then i got bored and i wanted to go for 70 atk to unlocks alot stuf like nomads etc wgs and whip/ss also dh pking etc etc so i whent for it and started it off with a BANG 20k exp

and another 35k atk/def

(he was risking 40m to)

Koed him was like yes my 40m back... gues not he imp boxed it lol -.-

Dont hate plz im poor cant get alot =(

So yea after alot thinking etc i decided to go fully main and go 138 cmb i will be updating this thread with all i have dont hate mains are ftw =)


Hamas, Hamas, Mains ant gas!!

Je bent een puur Maining, in hart en niere, je weet het :D

nouja doe waar je plezier an hebt olde rakker


When you're doing things on Lil Maining why don't you camp at bandits w/ maining jr? Get some sweet str expxpxpxpxp


Sweet progress, Eli. That account is awesome. :)



ur mad my total will be unbeatable by a pure :D


<3 400k xp reward got me 69-74 rc

going for quest cape 3 quests left 2 wich require 75/78 atk and im 72 atm:p and the new quest the prisoner of glouphrie wich il do soon =)


Eli, Prisoner of the Glouphrie takes 20 minutes max :). Did it when it came out. (sweet rewards)


lol stupid u quitted ur pure its more a challenge but meh u like mains so goodluck .


What you have all waited for...

reward was 3x150k xp in any cmb skill not summoning i toke attack cause il get 99 hp anyway and 99 pray is not for soon anyway and def idc for yet and others r maxed and attack i needed 78 for quest so would speed it up =)

Got me 75-78 i needed =)

awsome quest rewards of course

what you have all waited for The #1 maining cape


bloody epic :o nice account man


i've been waiting for this moment for the whole of my life.

congratulations <3

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