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My G & A (Frequent Updates)


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This topic is about my pures Goals and Achievements. I got a bit info about me at http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/index.php?topic=33811.msg591048#new.

=== Goals ===

43/60 Attack

60/90/99 Strength

46/99 Ranged

43/45 Prayer

89/94/99 Magic

85ish Hp

Ancients  [x]

Addy Gloves  [ ]

Fire Cape  [ ]

60m/200m bank

=== Stats on the beginning of the thread 25/2/2011 ===


Update pictures will be posted on pages and the newest update date is seen on the description.



Good luck man. Emma Watson pride.


Good luck, I hated addy gloves because of the 48 agility requirement lol.


Good luck, you're going to need it xD


Been questing and getting some reqs for Dt:



Went to camp at Pyramid Plunder for around two hours, cheers for people at Foe's cc for the tip:


Also decided to get 43 Prayer, helps a lot with training and quests.

Updated some goals too :)


get 44 or 45 prayer, or even better 52 prayer.

keept updating and gl on your objectives :)


School started on Monday after the one week Winter holiday, cuts my playing time a lot so expect much less updates. Pretty much just alched the weekend and did couple Dt req quests, nothing that impressive.

1k total lol:


And a bank picture, got 92 Magic banked there, getting 94 on bonus weekend or before if I cba.


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