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FOE + EOP Destroying MM 28/02/2011


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This was my First trip with FOE, ever! Shall be forever remembered as a good day!

Reppin' dat JesusHotTub nicely my friend.


It's the only way to do it!


You need to safe more :P

Also it would help to bring either mage/melee aswell instead of just straight range.


Nice vid man, always great seein MM lose.

Liken the mage shortbow as well, glad to see thats back.  :nice:


Nice vid man, always great seein MM lose.

Liken the mage shortbow as well, glad to see thats back.  :nice:

msb is my favorite weapon, over my AGS, Claws, whip, dds.  Over anything, I just love the simplicity surrounding it, It's so underrated as a weapon, it's very dangerous and people dont seem to understand.


Instead of flicking tabs waiting to eat or spec, start calling piles too.

Also bring a dds if you're 60 attack and mage if you can.


Instead of flicking tabs waiting to eat or spec, start calling piles too.

Also bring a dds if you're 60 attack and mage if you can.

I wasnt aware I was aloud to call - Just being an applicant I'm weary of what I can and can't do

and Noted. I will bring a dds in future, It's weird why I didnt bring one O_o


Im sure your allowed to call piles :P It helps the fight in general.

This music scares me :(


Im sure your allowed to call piles :P It helps the fight in general.

This music scares me :(

You're ganna be hearing a lot more of it!


anyone can call piles, if no one else is doing it ;)

gj on the vid, but use protection prayers, keep your hp over 75% and put on the phoenix neck if you're getting piled. You were just spam clicking your food without even prayer on when your hp dropped to like 60 lp.

tbh every app should make a vid of what they're doing on the trip so we can give them constructive criticism :o


nice 1, bring mage next trip.

I was tbing for the majority of this trip, lost 2 sets. but I guess thats no excuse.

I will be bringing mage next trip for sure.

foe good pk C:

Damn straight, we #1


Thanks guys, appreciate all the Positive feedback!


n1 foe! btw shit music... gtfo.


gj bring dds mage or some shit next time and use prays more:P only smite when u dont get hit :O


well done man! nice vidding also only my second trip and got my first loot!

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