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been a while


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I'm thinkin about comin back havnt played for about a year.. gave most the accounts i pked on away and i dunno were to start. I still have zi damage zi and i recovered an old g mauler and it has 60 attack :@ anyway hi to the people who used to know me :-))))


hi ikz, things have changed alot apprently i need 95 prayer now and people running around with chaotic weapons it seems to have changed for the worst i think


2005 prod = ancients

2006 prod = torso/gloves

2007 prod = proselyte pure

2008 prod = bh prod

2009 prod = claws/pvp prods

2010 prod = korasi/hc prods

2011 prod = chaotic/turmoil

sup rs


2005 prod = ancients

2006 prod = torso/gloves

2007 prod = proselyte pure

2008 prod = bh prod

2009 prod = claws/pvp prods

2010 prod = korasi/hc prods

2011 prod = chaotic/turmoil

sup rs

mid 2011 prod = all of the above


Just do what you want really. If you dont get chaotics or turmoil you'll stay low combat and wont be effected much


Hey man! How've you been? :D


undead chicken pro

welcome back! 1 reason why i'm staying 1 def/low ass att is to not worry about shit like that lol


been good meleed u still playin? and haha noah u still remember that undead chicken thing


i like to spec with my dragon long

Connor|New Recruits

That account ryan shared with you that was a rune pure, i changed its name to YaHeard MeH I don't remember te original name. If you know it and want to try to recover it you can.


Welcome back


That account ryan shared with you that was a rune pure, i changed its name to YaHeard MeH I don't remember te original name. If you know it and want to try to recover it you can.

Death N SiteĀ  or Blak Cook wanker.

Atchy. :wub:


im sorted now thanks anyway connor.. tris <3

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