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New pure in progress


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Anyway, Hi,  :Hi: my names Eric, I'm 19, live in the rainy Northwest, work for FedEx, skate, and workout, and scape sometimes when I'm home. Anyway, I've always been into PK'ing, ever since I got killed in 2003 for my 1m bank. I've had maybe 4 or 5 pures but usually just gave up on em after around 70 range, 70ish strength. But this time, I plan on truly 'maining' a pure, you could say. My goal on this pure is: to be a dominating f2p pure with high stats, 1 pray, 1 def, and many of the quests for becoming a 60 attack pure done. This of course means I'll be 40 attack, probably until 88+ Strength and Range and Mage, I hope to be completely ready for p2p before I even get past 40 attack. Well that covers pretty much everything. I guess I'll skip the boring part now. And post photos and such.

Current Goal: Get 40 Ranged, do waterfall, and all the F2p quests, gonna train magic to 43, and Superheat during Bonus XP weekend, hopefully get to 75+ Mage.

So basically, all finished quests will have their font changed to Green, and stat goals will be in a start/current/goal format.

Stat Goals:

Attack: 1/1/40

Strength: 1/1/60

Defence: 1/1/1

Ranged: 23/23/60

Prayer: 1/1/1 (For now)

Magic: 3/3/55

Hitpoints: 17/17/40


RFD Subs




Evil Dave

Pirate Pete


Other Quests: (F2P)

Cook's Assistant

Demon Slayer

Ernest the Chicken

Goblin Diplomacy

The Restless Ghost

Rune Mysteries

Vampire Slayer


Fishing Contest

Tree Gnome Village

The Grand Tree

Waterfall Quest

Death Plateau

Fight Arena

Priest in Peril

Mountain Daughter

Lost City

Monkey Madness

Horror from the Deep

Desert Treasure

For now I'll simply post this image here, if anyone knows how to get a scroll box in these forums, I'd appreciate some help. I tried but mine wouldn't work..

Thanks for reading, and I'll get to work.



wow brand new account, good luck


Yup  ^_^ Brand spankin' new


keep training, gym ftw


Welcome to the forum, stick to it this time and i'm sure you'll do well.


Lol, most of my bank is on my main, I have about 10m on here. Just enough to hold me over while I train. I will tell you my total bank is over 100m =]


Welcome and good luck. :)


You forgot addy gloves from quest list.

Benny The Leak LMAO

Gl with training i got a baby pure underway aswell

Dan| High Rating

Gl man :)



Baby pures = :wub: :wub: :wub:

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