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3 more to go :D


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i also have 96 attck now :P

ps:i just got key logged and i got my bank cleaned thats pretty much why im in a really welfare gear right now


Get magic up already and get a war tort o.0


Get magic up already and get a war tort o.0

why do u think am doing slayer? its to get my charms and im gunna get my magic up when il rmake my bank


Sucks you lost your bank :( Good luck rebuilding and nice 80 slayer

Dan| High Rating

nice gl on higher slayer man, sorry u got hacked, seems to happen a lot these days.


those are 3 fucking long levels bro trust me


those are 3 fucking long levels bro trust me

ya now that my break week from school is over il take ages :S


Your mage and range needs work


Grats, Good luck on getting everything back mate.  :omg:

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