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possibly quitting, staking 25m to someone that has similar stats to me (boxing)


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Steroids, lets do thiiisssssss.  PM me or something

Edit:  I'll sweeten the deal, to anybody I stake I'll put up 25m to your 20m.  Or claws or something.

I'm not sure if staking requests are allowed here, if not delete this.  

So yeah.  Post your stats and I'll consider.  If you have higher stats by a bit it doesn't matter, but I don't want anything more then 60 attack, 85 str and 85 hp.  I'll consider other accounts so post your stats if you want to :D.

OR, if anybody knows any 40/60  or 50/50 ways to bet all my money, shoot.  I just want to gamble :)

ya im chase

What are your stats? and is this all in one stake?


64 atk

70 str

60 def

45 pray

66 hp

arm off, no spec.


This is all one stake, yeah

Stats are 60 attack, 3 def, 77 str, 94 range, 91 mage, 79 hp, 44 prayer 71 combat

I just want something fair, I'd range stake but with so many weapons and all that it's too random.  Just boxing with everything turned off would be ideal.

And nah, def not gonna fight the 60 def :\


82 atk 82 def 75 str? pm me


Nah mang, I want to have at least a 33% chance of winning.  That account it wouldn't even be close.


I'll fight you on my 138.. :whistle:


I guess it's a lot to ask for someone to have similar stats and want to risk 20m -_-

I wish there was a legit way to gamble in this game.  Like organized flower or dice game or something


Go to w 22 kid wtf u doing asking people to stake u on a forum?


Go to w 22 kid wtf u doing asking people to stake u on a forum?

and then declining all offers..  :huh:


u easily have a chance against the acc i stated above, pm Steroids on irc.


Ever heard of a Staking world?



No risk, no fun?


Go to w 22 kid wtf u doing asking people to stake u on a forum?

A 20m stake?  I was there for 30 minutes and couldn't find a single person that would box me that didn't have defence.


Steroids, I'll fight you weapons only.  I thought you meant boxing, and I wouldn't stand a chance there.  If your stats are the same as the post I'll do it for sure.

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