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Why don't I live in America?!


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Can someone embed this (my bad if it's spelled wrong)

My 2 favourite bands touring TOGETHER, in my favourite COUNTRY and I can't be there?! :(

<3 Avenged Sevenfold ft. Three Days Grace. ^_^

PS: it's so rainy and windy in my country, for all Americans: I am JEALOUS.

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got a list of citys they will be going to? this looks like a kick ass concert that i definitely go to.

I think you can find a list of cities where they are going to on the site: WWW.AvengedSevenfold.COM :D

Yeah I wish I could be at these concerts, it will be AMAZING:)

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We need an update of the wizardsleeve man and Neomi

Did he kill her?

Good question, I'll ask her tomorrow. No really, I haven't talked to her for about a good 2 months now or something, now I realize how ugly she actually isĀ  :sleep:.
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Depends on where you want to live in the US since the cities are so different.

No other place in the world.

Yeah, that's true:) Well, I would love it living in Florida (Orlando) or MiamiĀ  B) I have been there on holiday twice and it was amazingĀ  ;o
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Stop making the same jokes over and over again? Geez. I can't even make topics without people talking about this shit. I know I should never have posted those dumb topics about naomi, but you can stop now. I don't want to see her name on every topic. I Learnt alot from it and I won't make that mistake again.

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Yo mate, can you please not make 3 posts in a row?

Next time copy + paste the quotes and edit it into one single post.

Off-topic: they just trollin'.

don't comment.

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Yo mate, can you please not make 3 posts in a row?

Next time copy + paste the quotes and edit it into one single post.

Off-topic: they just trollin'.

don't comment.

Oke, zal ik doen, ik wist namelijk niet hoe dat moest:P. Inderdaad, ik geef toe ik heb veel fouten gemaakt maar dat is nu bijna een halfjaar geleden en mensen gaan er nog over door, wordt er schijtziek van:O.
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watch me tb

Depends on where you want to live in the US since the cities are so different.

No other place in the world.

Yeah, that's true:) Well, I would love it living in Florida (Orlando) or MiamiĀ  B) I have been there on holiday twice and it was amazingĀ  ;o

eh.. im a country guy. most places that are big vacation places arent good places to live.

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