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Pure Saiyann Update Thread


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Haha Plex I was wondering if anybody would notice the 666 :P and I got my money off main, idk just did a lot of skilling/PvM on main to make money. Mains get boring though and it would have taken a lot of time to get my main pk ready, so I decided to make a pure.

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Finally got 70 range...haha gonna wait for the double xp weekend to hopefully get 80 range.


93 mage!! I should be getting 94 by tomorrow.


I did Lost City quest today (easy but still needed to be done) and went and did mage arena for zammy cape.

I'm going to attempt to stay up tonight and do death plateau and troll stronghold, idk for sure though.

Also got 50 crafting and 30 fletching today, going to get 50 fletching, and work on getting quite a few skills up to 50.

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So in the past 2 days, I have gotten:

30 fletching

50 crafting

38 thieving

70 range

94 mage

Finished quests:

Lost City

Death plateau

Troll Stronghold

Druidic Ritual

Mage arena Mini Quest

Things are moving pretty quick, I'm gonna use my chins this friday night for the double xp weekend, and hopefully get 80+ range. Also working on getting Monkey Madness done (just a matter of doing it and not being lazy), and working my way towards desert treasure and addy gloves.

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Just finished Tree Gnome Village and The Grand Tree. Going to do Monkey Madness tomorrow (cbf to do any more quests today).

Also 40 thieving and 38 agility right now (getting 53/48 respectively).

The two quests got me to 52 attack, now I can train it up to 60 for d scim :D

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Got a lot done today, questing and skilling wise. Here are my stats now:


I sold my claws that I had before for 25m, I wasn't going to buy them back but I figure it will be fun to rush with them.


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