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Logan|Iuex V Ied

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Logan|Iuex V Ied

okay so my parents won't let me buy vegas 10.0 and i need to know any GOOD editing program i have windows movie maker but its pretty plain so i wanna know whats the best 'free' editing program out there thanks

~LoganĀ  :D

Shell Cappin

Just torrent vegas


Get a keygen, or torrent of Sony Vegas, other than that there's Adobe After Effects, pretty much just try any of them, so long as you don't pay for them....

~Trevor :D

Logan|Iuex V Ied

thanks man


If you want any help torrenting Vegas 10.0 just get in contact with me in like IRC or something if possible :p

But yeah, Vegas 10.0 and Adobe After Effects CS5 are the way to go



the way to go


youtube 'download vegas' and ull find an entire guide on utube I bet.


What Uaex said

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