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Pure unadulterated stupidity.


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Geared up for the fi p2p prep tonight, it was safe so I had my ags, mages' book, master wand etc with me.. Got there, and thought, I'll go into safe portal and fight some people for a while, did that for a while, dieing, going back in, and so forth, then the last time I die... all my stuff is gone... I stare at the screen blankly like wtf.... Must of clicked the wrong fucking portal.... gf ~80mil. Ah well, still got enough to carry on playing, just won't be able to use AGS for a while :/

Birthday tomorrow and holiday to portugal on fridayl, so i'll worry about about it when I get back.

tl;dr : i'm a huge fucking idiot.


If i didnt like you id come out with a "LOLOL" reply but as i do, that fucking sucks man :(

Have a good holiday, i went to Portugal last year, it's boiling!


Thanks man. I'm not too bothered tbf, i'd of thought I would of been devastated when this day came but I just stared at the screen blankly like 'oh'.


If i didnt like you id come out with a "LOLOL" reply




told u not to get over 60 atk


Nah 75 attack is pro, I rarely solo pk anyway lol.

Only thing that pisses me off is that I never thought i'd be that stupid, I think of myself of a smart guynvm i'm not rofl, but that was soooooo fucking dumb XD I always find it funny when people do stuff like that, never thought i'd do it though...

Also the guy thought he lured me, which was annoying, giving himself credit for my stupidity.


I think of myself of a smart guy



Lmfao epic fail once again by me.

ya im chase

sucks dude, perfect time for a vacation tho ahaha =p

enjoy Portugal


If I had any money I'd give it to you, but I don't


It's cool, just putting my new turmoil pure on hiatus, sold all it's bones so back up to like 100mil on Bridd now.


That sucks man.

It's aight doe. It's pixels.


We learn from our mistakes, lel.


Yeah definitely, I went back yesterday and I was looking at the portal name for a good hour before I went in just to make sure.


Sucks :(

Enjoy Portugal tho ;p


Sucks, think positively, you're still like 4 times richer than me.


Sounds shit bro. After the event I was pking and lost my second pair of claws this week lol.


#portugal crew :p ur portuguese?


If i was Portuguese why would i go to Portugal for a holiday? o.O no lol im going on holiday to Portugal, i'm from England.

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