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Gt Zox

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Ok so I know I only just shared a Vid recently but I figured as this was the last vid i made as a pure I'd share it with you guys too, This is me attempting some 5 way switches although as this is mainly edge PKing these 5 way switches were pretty pointless to be honest as i switched to give me the best magic defence possible, which is great against bridders, but it seems no one brids anymore (sad face)

But I really hope you guys enjoy this short vid.  Only 5mins long as I wasnt really in the right frame of mind to PK on a 1 def anymore.  Please leave some constructive criticism as it really helped for my last vid, took a lot of what was said on board and hope to intergrate it into later vids!

Hope you guys enjoy, dont be too harsh XD <3 <3 <3

Switch in the vid

gnome hat - mind hate

ghostly top - mind body

accumulator - sara cape/mage cape

ghostly bottoms - blk dhide

ancient staff - rune cbow/rune knives - dds/maul



Pretty good video.

Couple suggestions:

Turn auto retaliate off when bridding, avoids the near-staff bashes that keep happening. And the reason you're surprised no1 is bridding is because all the brids go to east single strip, try going there if you want to fight other brids.


respect for 5 way switches :D yeah bridding is almost dead now :/


Pretty good video.

Couple suggestions:

Turn auto retaliate off when bridding, avoids the near-staff bashes that keep happening. And the reason you're surprised no1 is bridding is because all the brids go to east single strip, try going there if you want to fight other brids.

Yeah I have auto retaliate off those staff bashes are free from my bridding :D and I also pretty much only PK on the east strip, although the wildy is still pretty much empty of bridders nowadays.  I find world 18 west drags is OK for it though


It was good, except for a few things:

-Bridding in non-brids in Edgeville

-Showing kills in which you don't kill someone

Other than that, keep it up. You'll find more hybrids as you advance combat levels, i.e. around the 80CB mark.


Nice, not bad switches but you should turn auto retaliate off and leave edge because hardly anyone brids there.


yeah in the clip i had auto on I turn it off halfway, dont normally pk with auto retaliate on ^_^ and i plan to bridd deeper as I have turm and ss now so I can, although in this vid I only had 13 prayer so I was best suited for edge in this vid :S would rather PK deep though so in later vids i'll be doing turmoil, ss and deeper bridding ^_^


i saw rune knives and stopped watching.... I hate rune knives.

Xi Mocro Xi

i saw rune knives and stopped watching.... I hate rune knives.



Nice video , I enjoyed watching it.

Logan|Iuex V Ied

wow man awsome vid keep it going and DONT GO FOR TURMOIL! stay 20 defence man

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