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Very short preview of my bh vid 1# Dente Jr

dente jr

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I just don't get it why people make previews :S

Make the fucking vid itself instead of a preview cuz then there is actually something to watch.

not watching this.


Hopefully you don't have the intention to join Final Ownage Elite because they do not accept people who pk with monkfish.

Nice Kill yea because that's all in your video, 1 maul special.


A preview is something that shows your pking abilities and the potential the video has. 1 kill does not show this.

0mfg me cb 3

that must of been a very hard kill.:-O

Sigil Sigil Plez

short but good :D


listen i made this video so my other subscribers from my other youtube accont http://www.youtube.com/devildente2speced

to subscribe me. cause it dident work when i dident have any videos.. im working my ass off to join foe.. and in this vid im just combat lvl 56.. and i can afford sharks & mantas if i want.. and every fight im fighting im steying to death. im not a person who tele,run or safes.

all i wanted is to get my old subscribers on my old yt accont to subscribe my new youtube accont... and if you dont like my video. dont comment,

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