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Logan|Iuex V Ied

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Logan|Iuex V Ied

Alright it's been happening to so many FoE members but now it hits me first of all it says this

Dear Player,

We regret to inform you that your account has received an infraction due to a Major Real World Trading offense. Please visit the appeal section under Account Management to view evidence of your infraction(s) and to appeal any infraction(s) that you feel were unjustified.

To view the evidence please click here:


Please note: Due to a recent bug in our infraction system, some accounts may have received a void infraction. The majority of void infractions have been removed but we cannot ensure that all infractions have been removed. We urge you to visit the appeal section to appeal any unjustified infractions received due to system errors.

Many thanks, Jagex Ltd

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Sorry i couldn't take a picture but the question is i dont have a runescape account registered on this email address i have it on another one this is just a warning so you wont get scammed and if you click the link it says" RuneZape"


Don't post the link ... you don't want people clicking on it.


ye ye 10th topic about it ima just lock it

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