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Ahh finally, the one thing I love to do the most outside of the PC world.

Well here we go.

[b]Target Date:[/b]

Goals:To lose some mass, and cut. Want to drop from 115Kg to 105Kg..

Bench:190Kg on a two rep power lift.

Curl:42.525Kg, for 10 rep set.

Squat:225Kg, I havnt trained legs in 12 months due to tearing tendants and ligaments.

Deadlift:Was pushing 250-75kg. But I havn't done it since tearing.

Target Date:I am going to reduce weight, cut up lose body fat and hope reach a stable 100/105Kg by Sept hopefully.

Now guy's, post your goals. Any help, feel free to drop me a PM.


i'm not sure why u would put curl and not deadlift :mellow:


i'm not sure why u would put curl and not deadlift :mellow:

Cause most of Foe, wont deadlift..?

Yeah, why no deadlifts?

The big three ... bench, squat, deadlift...


I want to lose some body fat but not all as i like being a big lad for rugby =]

Want to maintain and improve a little maybe on my cardio, i was lazy fucker in games back end of season.

Ive already over doubled all of my max weights with my nooby gains atm so yea just keep testing what i can life.

Hoping to get up to benching around 100-120 by summer/end of

Rest i dont care much about, i just work it out and wanna look massive!£%^$%


Not entirely sure on benching goals ect but I know for now my main aim is to bulk up abit more before I start thinking about getting ripped to fuck. Fairly thin at the moment so within a month or so should of bulked up a fair bit then gonna live at the gym from then on.

By summer i'd like to be more ripped with a decent build but got alot of shit to research on before I achieve that.


Not entirely sure on benching goals ect but I know for now my main aim is to bulk up abit more before I start thinking about getting ripped to fuck. Fairly thin at the moment so within a month or so should of bulked up a fair bit then gonna live at the gym from then on.

By summer i'd like to be more ripped with a decent build but got alot of shit to research on before I achieve that.

so you want to bulk before you "live at the gym", bulking up isn't just eating loads all day, thats called getting fat. bulking up is following a decent muscle building routine whilst in the gym and eating the sufficent calories/nutrients to fully repair/make gains afterwoods. and ripped 16 year olds never look good, the perfect summer body isn't a 6 pack with twig arms/legs etc.


Not entirely sure on benching goals ect but I know for now my main aim is to bulk up abit more before I start thinking about getting ripped to fuck. Fairly thin at the moment so within a month or so should of bulked up a fair bit then gonna live at the gym from then on.

By summer i'd like to be more ripped with a decent build but got alot of shit to research on before I achieve that.

so you want to bulk before you "live at the gym", bulking up isn't just eating loads all day, thats called getting fat. bulking up is following a decent muscle building routine whilst in the gym and eating the sufficent calories/nutrients to fully repair/make gains afterwoods. and ripped 16 year olds never look good, the perfect summer body isn't a 6 pack with twig arms/legs etc.

I'm not just eating like a pig, I'm doing quite a lot of exercise @ home because I have the equipment here for it & I'm not going for a 6 pack with twig arms and legs


"bulking" u NEED the gym for. "cutting" is the one that you need less of the gym lol. doing it wrong way around.


"bulking" u NEED the gym for. "cutting" is the one that you need less of the gym lol. doing it wrong way around.

Thanks personal trainer Chris. PM Me, Could use some help lol


Yo Steroids man, I got a mate IRL. Who went from 69Kg to 98Kg withing a year. Bulking, doesnt go gym like me. We just do what we feel comftable with, that's they way to get best results. Not some scientific bullshit bro.


ok so your saying one single case, which may or may not be true, shows more proof than years and thousands of results, i don't think so.



How do you think all this scientific shit started, it was all natural doign what the body tells you. Now it's just companies "making profit" tricking kids. Lol, amusing IMO. There is no actual proof, that anything helps. Like for exaple, scientisits did research and proves H2O doesnt rehydrate you like they say it does.


How do you think all this scientific shit started, it was all natural doign what the body tells you. Now it's just companies "making profit" tricking kids. Lol, amusing IMO. There is no actual proof, that anything helps. Like for exaple, scientisits did research and proves H2O doesnt rehydrate you like they say it does.

Are you trying to say genetics doesn't determine build etc?


How do you think all this scientific shit started, it was all natural doign what the body tells you. Now it's just companies "making profit" tricking kids. Lol, amusing IMO. There is no actual proof, that anything helps. Like for exaple, scientisits did research and proves H2O doesnt rehydrate you like they say it does.

Are you trying to say genetics doesn't determine build etc?

All it does it is, is a setback. There are people who cannot lift a feather, but it may take a while (years) and they can transform to whatever there goal is.

Goals: 205 bench

Bench: 190

Curl: I did 1 rep of 100 pounds on the olympic bar with back straight, which was a goal of mine for a couple wks.  Most I've curled in 1 hand is 50.  Aiming for 115 curl with olympic bar

Squat:I squat rep around 185, haven't maxed up to date.  Want to try 250

Deadlift: Don't know tbh

Target Date: Mid-may


Goal: from 215 18% bf at 6'3 to 210 8%.

started at 245, unknown bf. will need to lose 20 ish lbs of fat, and put on 15 lbs of muscle. (doubt i will remain natty, but that's my own prerogative). will get there by lifting heavy in the gym and steady cardio.

come at me mother fuckers


Goals: Lose around 4kg, I'm not really fat as such, but since i race karts i need to be very light, around 61-63kg is target weight.

Target Date: ASAP really, I've lost 5kg in summer before so it's possible, just put a far bit back on when i went back to school, no REAL healthy lunches and shit.

Didn't fill in anything above as the gym I go to has no real machines like that, it's only treadmills/rowing machines/bikes/leg lifting/arm lifting and pulling.

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