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Money Making Advice! *MERCH ITEM*


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So you need about 21-25mil to start this! Sorry :/

I did this for 2 days and made like 10 mil, 2mil/hour pretty decent.

What you do:

-You buy claws 500k + med price G.E

- After you have made the purchase, lets say for example they cost 20.5 mil g.e price, you buy off someone for 21mil off the street (world 65/26]

- Then you set them in G.E for the 21.5mil, its 500k profit each time you do this.

- They are currently going up right now, try and buy for 22mil, and keep them until the next day or put them in g.e for 23mil


Thats about it, I made 10mil off it, its merching


Thanks bro. This does not seem old at all!

Logan|Iuex V Ied

L0l I only have 5m u got a guide for this lol?


There are better ways of using the GE...


Tell me Beasted :p

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