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I Need Some Advice

Dr Skoal

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I just started a new Pure and its coming along good, for this summer i decided why not get a major task out of the way... so im gonna work on getting 99 mage by the end of the summer. Im sitting on about 5 mil right now and im trying to make some more.

Im trying to figure out whats the best way to get some fast money for this.

Right now i have an idea

Mining Pure Ess--- Selling it or

Using the ess to RC Nats using Tele Tabs from Mini game

Anyone got Any other Suggestions... Im not Trying To do HUNTER so do say it


45/50 Attack

43/70 Str

1/1 def

62/80 Range

15/(15,27,31?) Prayer

55/99 Mage

Also i have my Chat on, just pm me if you ever wanna talk

Creamie pies

get 50 rc go to rc guild and buy ess.

x ur 0wnd x

picking flax is a really obvious answer but i know some people who made a couple million in about 3-4 days. also if you want mage exp and cash you can make tabs. just look up a guide and you're off. gl


I always mined p ess + sold.


well, to be honest do some pvp tricks and just risk 75 and curse or somthing on dummys or just do somthing such as training in pvp world like wc or pess so u get ep and cash?


Alch in PvP until you get 100% Ep and then 26k trick. I've made about 5mill doing this in my spare time. This way you get mage xp PLUS you make money/ Break even.


play alot = make money

anything should do; train slayer, kill dragons, collect herbs, train runecraft,

train fishing, train woodcut (not recommended), ...


go make TELETABS ?

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